If you are looking for ways to save money on your grocery shopping, one of the best ways to maximize your savings is by using coupons. Coupons are very popular these days primarily because it is able to provide shoppers with great deals and rebates when purchasing a product. These coupons are commonly found in emails, magazines, newspapers, mail, blogs and even in a number of social media sites. Another great thing about coupon is that you can mix and match coupon clips to the super market discounts, enabling shoppers to get further reduction for their product purchase. So do take advantage of this marketing ticket; because not only are you going to maximize your shopping with coupons. Now, there is a way for you earn from coupons as well! Have you heard of the site “Couponchief?”
library of online coupons that are up for grabs. And along with that opportunity is your chance to earn a little money on the side.
Here’s how it works
Simply submit a coupon code or promotional code that is not yet encoded on their system. Then just wait for your code to generate usage from online shoppers on Couponchief and then you’ll earn 2% commission on the purchase price of the promotional code product (make sure to enroll on the Pay-2-Share program). It is that easy!
Do I need to sign up?
If you only want to access the promotional codes then there is no need to sign up with Couponchief. But if you want to be part of the Pay-2-Share program then you do need to sign up with Couponchief.
Can I earn when I use my own codes?
Yes! It is somewhat like a shopping rebate.
How would I know if the code is already in their system?
When you submit a code for Couponchief, they will ask you to type in the online brand and the promo code. If the code is already encoded on their system the code that you are typing will immediately turn red, which indicates that you can no longer use that code for the Pay-2-Share program.
How and When do I get paid?
You would need to have a Paypal account for Couponchief. The minimum payout amount is roughly $25. They provide payout every first and fifteenth of the month. Sign up here.