Sunday, May 5, 2013

TOP 10 Group Buying Websites in the Philippines

Who doesn't want discounts on clothing, travels, food and gadgets? We are all looking for legitimate group buying sites. However, with the apparent growth of these websites nowadays we can get easily lost and might acquire fake deals instead. We have seen a number of websites promoting a brand with a supposed marketed 30% or 20% discount but in reality there were no discounts at all.

With that false marketing we became more meticulous on joining these sites because we want legitimate deals that will enhance are purchasing power. For this reason, we are listing our Top 10 active group buying websites in alphabetical order.





10. TCAT

Joining these sites are absolutely free. You will immediately enjoy the perks of travelling, fine dining and shopping with these sites and in no time you'll get better deals and discounts wherever you might be. So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and sign up with these active sites!