1. Promo period is from August 16 to September 15, 2013
2. Who can join:
a. Promo is open to everyone.
b. He/She must have valid Facebook and Twitter Accounts.
3. How to join:
a. Participants must:
2. ‘Follow’ Deals and Jobs Online on Twitter: @DealsJobsOnline
3. ‘Share' Deals and Jobs Online on Facebook and tag 5 of your friends.
4. Determining the Winner:
a. All valid entries will be screened and validated by Deals and Jobs Online.
b. Announcement of Winners will be posted on Deals and jobs Online on September 16,
c. Winners will be notified through Facebook via Private Message.
5. Prizes:
a. The winner will receive a $25 electronic gift card of FragranceNet.com